Monday, November 20, 2023


 Monobon by Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo



Cast a world wide net. Catch a mumbo jumbo of half-truths, half-lies and thingamajigs. Here's the catch: You're it! Married to 'A', the I is no longer mine. At least, the Z is far and free, and me, sleep deprived, could use a decent dose of snoozes. These midnight feedings on indiscriminate amount of news, fabricated or real time, about war, foxy or proxy whatever, games, showbiz, twitter, instagram, vlogging and whathaveyous have been frying what little remains of my sensibilities. Add to that concoction the perilous effects of sweets, caffeine and netflix. Do grey and white still matter these days? Myself is turning artificial. Methinks am no longer mine. What do you think? Who are you?

the wolf who cries man who wears the emperor's new clothes is a sheep 


Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo is a Filipino self-published author of twin deLights entitled Haikuna Matata and Hainaku! It's Pundemic! I am Balot. Acovida dito. Her poetry has been published in anthologies and journals like Haiku Dialogue, Asahi Haikuist Network, Haiku in Action, Haiku Corner, ESUJ-H, haikuNetra, the cherita, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. She works as a medical transcriptionist and loves mountain hikes, beach walks, and coffee.



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